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"The healthy Mind lives in a healthy Body."

“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates

Don't be fooled: spices, herbs, and plants

are NOT

an "alternative" medicine.
They're the ORIGINAL!

Free Resources

Download now!

Why me?

When looking for a coach, why should you hire me?

In one line: because I do things no one else can do.

Let me explain.

In Paris there is this incredible department store called Galeries Lafayette.

Inside there are a number of high end fashion products.

In particular there is an exclusive area where you can buy hand bags by Chanel.

This area is secluded and you need to queue and wait for an attendant that asks you the purpose of your visit, what you are looking for, then they guide you to the relevant area, help you find the article you are looking for, the one that seems to be custom made for you, you leave them the annual salary of an average employee, and you leave, happy and satisfied, escorted by the attendant.

This service is one of a kind, because you are one of a kind.

And this is exactly how I consider my client: one of a kind, special, uniquely shaped by their life experience.

Therefore my service is custom crafted on you, like a Chanel hand bag, because there is only one that fits your personality perfectly.


So if you are looking for a coach, I may not be your first choice, however, if you are looking for THE coach that will make you live your dream, then you may want to contact me. And I am sure that you will find a way.

Like my previous and returning clients who find themselves wanting for a bigger dream, you will find the way to get to me.

Expect the unbelievable.

Food is not the enemy

Statistically, 75% of the western population is overweight. 1 out of 3, are obese.

Yet, it is not only about food, overeating or poor choices.

There are a few other factors involved.

My aim is to bring some clarity about food, nutrition, and what our brain has to say about our eating habits.


Recipe Subscription plans Available soon!


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The Food

No diet,

no meal plans,

no endless lists of forbidden foods.

Only a sustainable method* to help you nourish your body and soul for a lifetime.

Your new food lifestyle is here!

*Flexitarian 3D


Where Your Future is in Your Hands

Available now!


The must-have guide to introduce you to the healthiest way of eating.


- What

- Why

- When

- How

Change your life for the better, for good!


Readers review:

"I read through the ebook you so kindly offered me as a founding member, Patty Smit and I have to say it was really helpful. The steps to this healthy food lifestyle were laid out simply and concisely making it easy to understand. I really enjoyed learning about this way of thinking. Thanks again for sharing the basics!"

"A guide that you will want to share with friends: from how to observe and own the way you choose your meals, to having fun in organising your kitchen, shopping list and recipes. Brilliant."

"Patty is the Ultimate Effective & Efficient nutrition Coach.
During my 6 week programme "Sustainable & Healthy" under her Nutrition Management Regime & Guidance, I acquired tremendous knowledge & gained superb skills in Self Management in relation to food and nutrition."

"I just want to give a huge shout out to the wonderful, amazing Patty Smit who gave me such inspiration and valuable nuggets in our session on food, nutrition and fitness. You need Patty to guide you on the right track guys. I am not going to disclose my age but I learned a lot of new knowledge to put towards the correct way to start 'a healthy lifestyle'. Much love and thanks Patty."

                                                     The Book that helps you dieting


"My favourite Jeans

fitted again perfectly, after a long time!"

* * * * *

We all know how difficult it is to fit into "those" jeans. Yes, I mean the ones that each of us keeps in a "special" section of the wardrobe; the very ones we look at with ardor and hope ... And with equal fear ... Well, thanks to this Hurricane Woman, "those" jeans, which in Spring barely reached my mid-thigh, in Fall miraculously went up without any effort and with huge satisfaction. Furthermore, at Christmas, I had a few snags and no trace of sense of guilt. The greatest satisfaction comes from not having realised that I was losing weight. I did NOT feel hungry! I did NOT give up on my favorite foods! I did NOT swallow shakes or tablets! I did only one thing: I relied on Patty's EXPERT advice, which helped me, even before taking care of my nutrition, to see myself for who I am and love myself exactly as I am.
Trust her, and you can only be satisfied !!!

P.A., Clerk, 40+, lives in Italy.








Patti is the Ultimate Effective & Efficient nutrition Coach.
During the programme under her Nutrition Management Regime & Guidance, I acquired tremendous knowledge & gained superb skills in Self Management in relation to food and nutrition.
My objective for jumping on the bandwagon was to uncover 'Functional Strategies' to employ in the 'here and now', while managing a chronic medical ailment for nearly a decade.

The urgency at the end of 2021, was another diagnosis of a medical ailment that would additionally threaten my livelihood.

Coincidence or Divine Set-up - one would ask...?
In my books, Patti 'emerged' as an answer to prayer - as I'm a firm believer in accessing wellness through an integrated approach.
In this case, it was God's grace, divine connection in meeting this amazing Coach and 'Clinical' intervention... - as God gives the wisdom in which we all operate. All decisions need wisdom, Medical treatment needs Clinicians' wisdom and skill beyond the knowledge... a Coach needs to apply the right wisdom and 'tailor'/adapt the knowledge to individual client's needs - that's what I got.

Divine Set Up!
It was within a couple of weeks that Patti publicised her 6 week programme - of a newly discovered diagnosis that was attached to my name when I realised I need to 'tweak' my lifestyle in gathering knowledge - such that it took neither thinking twice nor pursuasion; for me to express my interest.

Long and short of this is that:
✔️I found information,
✔️I gained knowledge,
✔️I acquired a skill,
✔️I accessed recipes &
✔️shopping lists!

Ultimately liberating
✔️I rediscovered that, my body's innate ability to self manage depends on more discipline and habits in self Management - than the 'overrated' dieting; in enabling self sustenance on a level of health and healthy functioning...
with neither a quest nor demands on compromising one's fav meals.

All about discipline, right buying habits and a quest for excellence in nurturing self - while still indulging and exciting the taste buds.
Need I add - her delivery was a combined simplistic & phenominal approach!

One piece of advice is... take her on and uncover the difference by yourself!

For me it was nothing to do with weight management, rather 'medical health' sustenance to ensure I kept presenting health disruptions within my control.

Simplified statement is
"Highly recommended"!
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